Friday, April 27, 2012

Random Thoghts

It's been a little while. Mainly because I haven't been in the best of spirits as of late. Just going through one of those times where nothing seems to go your way. No matter how hard I try. I thought about it yesterday and I had to laugh, I should be more upset about it, but I'm surprisingly optimistic about it all.

So... I'm going to focus on the random thoughts swirling through my head.

- Bryce Harper is making his MLB debut Saturday. I love a good MLB debut, but I'm especially excited for this kid. He's 19. So talented. I can't wait to watch his career unfold.

- My B-Day is next weekend. We're having a Cinco De Jillian party (yes, I do realize it doesn't make sense).

-I've been so tired as of late. I can never get enough sleep.

-Church. Most of you know what a big role my religion play in my life. I found this infographic that explains the lay ministry of the church. To understand the positions in the auxiliaries click here.

Also, a lovely entertaining video for you.


Natalie and Tyler said...

Dearest Jillian! I miss you! I hope your spirits pick up! Youve always been a great example of optimism!

Natalie and Tyler said...

Dearest Jillian! I miss you! I hope your spirits pick up! Youve always been a great example of optimism!