Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Every time I read about the amount of sugar that Americans eat, it freaks me out. Remember when I decided that I shouldn't eat refined sugar...

Well, I'm back at it. I'm giving myself a month without sugar. I think it'll be great... hard... but great.

Also, I'm contemplating eating meat. I've pretty much only eaten it when people have made it for me and once when I really wanted a hamburger. Sometimes I think I needed a better source of protein that is low-cal. We'll see where this idea goes.

I've been really committed to my workout regimen this year. It's been a pain considering all the New Years resolution gym-goers. I hate going to they gym when it is super crowded. If I go right after work I feel like I have to fight for a cardio machine. I don't like it. I cannot wait until February when most of those people give up (sad but true, I see it every year).

I have been doing these workouts and let me tell you that they are not for the weak-minded. Every time I complete a workout I feel great! It's more of a mental challenge than a physical one. There were times where I didn't know I could push my body that far - like 110 pushups far.

SIDENOTE Dustin's band is playing at Herman's Hideaway again, only this time they aren't taking part of the new band showcase. I've been told that this is a big deal for them. Anyway, anyone around the Denver Area should check it out, but you should also let me know because I've been given a lot of tickets. It's on February 3.


Unknown said...

I hate the gym in January!!!!

Brooke and Justin said...

Totally inspired by your work outs. Its totally cross fit! Im in for starting tomorrow! Go crossfit/ sucky/ awesomeness. LOVE YOU!